LATEST NEWS beautiful baby gift baskets 

Posts tagged “Greycourt Florist”

Beautiful Baby Gift Baskets are available to buy at two other locations: 
Greycourt Florist 
The Olde Watermill 
Both of these outlets have a selections of our gift baskets and accessories available to buy. 
Don't forget you can also order on our website or by messaging us on facebook, Instagram or twitter. If you prefer email us at or call on 07879 494048 
We look forward to helping you create your own unizue baby gift 
We are super pleased to show you our latest display at Greycourt Florist in Kempston. We realised that we now create gift baskets in all colours of the rainbow - so thats what we did. It is beautifully colourful for the summer. Why not pop along and take a look for yourself. Kelly and ther team will be happy to help you out.  
Failing that you can view our range at where many more designs are available